Thank you to Pattycake Girl for reminding me that I needed to get off my pompĂn (the word in our house for butt, doesn't it sound so much better?) and post something new! In a gallant attempt to make up for my lack of posts recently, here's a whole slew of goings on from our past month...
Someone received a professional haircut! Mama and Daddy are just now adjusting to the new look. Adorable as he is, I think I might need to see those bouncy baby boy curls again at least one more time.

We got a Christmas tree which, as you can see, has to live behind a gate to protect it from grabby hands. Darn it, when is Daddy going to learn to look with his eyes not his hands?

We had some photography lessons. Not a bad pic for a two year old study I'd say. Now if I could only manage to not look loopy we'd all be doing pretty well.

A surprise Christmas box arrived on our doorstep. The boys haven't seen the contents yet (Santa promptly hid it away) but the box itself has proven to be a fantastic diversion from all the rain we've received recently.

There's been plenty of bike riding! Don't worry Grandma, when he rides his bike anywhere other than our patio, he does wear his casco.

And of course, we've watched many sunsets from our front yard.