Friday, April 24, 2009

Boys at work

I am quickly discovering that from the boys' perspectives, the most interesting things to do in the house are those that Mama and Daddy do every day. A mundane or even disliked chore by me is often the most exciting and engrossing activity the boys can imagine. This can result in tension and aggravation, like when G-Funk dismantled the vacuum, bag and all, in the middle of the living room floor because he was (or so he thought) vacuuming to help mama. But it can also result in moments of sheer bliss and gleeful giggle fits.

Case in point:
G-Funk is going through a spilling phase. I'm not thrilled about it as this often manifests itself in him spilling his food into his cup of water at the dinner table, or bold dumping of cups of milk onto the kitchen floor just to see what spilling liquid looks like. After taking away the bottle of water he was shaking all over the living room floor this morning(damn no spill sippie spouts are *not* no spill by the way) I decided there must be a way to let him pour water to his heart's content that didn't also make me want to lock him in a cage afterward. So...he's now washing dishes.

It should be noted that he is his father's child...he happily chowed down on leftover bacon from breakfast as he worked.

Recently, I decided to fashion a mosquito netting of sorts to help cut down on the number of houseflies we get since the back door is open all day long. The Pirate insisted on helping me hem the curtain. Here he comes to snatch the fabric...


He'll be back!

After watching Daddy fix the bathroom sink the other day, G-Funk decided his "car" was broken and he had to fix it using his father's flash light and a spoon. (because what else would a mechanic use right?)

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