We are out of cinnamon.
As I merrily typed out my silly attempt at some Jane Goodall humor this morning for your amusement, G-Funk was merrily amusing himself. This was decidedly not good.
Those of you that don't live with a toddler probably do not realize just how quickly their natural destructive impulses can wreak havoc but I currently clock it at two minutes or less. As a parent I know that when my tyke is either unnaturally silent or, as was the case this morning, spontaneously erupting into maniacal giggles, I better go get him FAST.
So imagine my dismay this morning when G-Funk started cackling in his demented 2 year old way and I turned around from my laptop to discover that the little imp had grabbed the container of cinnamon off of the kitchen counter top and was gleefully shaking the entire contents onto the kitchen floor. And then he stepped in it. And then he spread it around more with his hands. And then he hopped up and down in it and ran away with the cinnamon container to his Hiding Spot.
This all took under two minutes. As luck would have it, I had the camera in hand and I now have photographic proof that he's a rascal! See his smeared foot and finger prints?

He escapes! (or so he thought)

I chased him to the Hiding Spot where he quickly put up his hand to tell me to stay out. Nice.

At least while G-Funk is running wild, I still have a few more months of relative calm with The Pirate. Isn't he sweet? Oh Pirate, how I love your immobility!