While we celebrated the historic election of Barack Obama to the Presidency, and California chickens won the right to spread their wings at will, we also marked a sad day in this sunny state with the shameful passing of Prop 8 which took away the previously held right of gay Californians to legally marry. Our family believes that ALL families are entitled to the right to live together freely, openly and with full access to all of the rights and legal recognition that heterosexual individuals enjoy. We will celebrate the inevitable overturning of Prop 8. In the end, bigotry is always on the losing side.

We hope to teach the boys to act with integrity and compassion and so it seemed fitting that we all participate in the national protests on November 8 for equal rights and the right to gay marriage. It was a beautiful day and a great thing to witness so many people standing up for equality and basic human rights.

What you don't see in the pic is a 16oz Budweiser shoved up it's body cavity. I'm referring to the chicken, not the nun in drag by the way!
I for one feel better as a human knowing the chickens on death row will get a little more leg room before they are dropped in hot oil.
i love the picture of gabriel at the protest. way to raise em up right...er, that is left, which is right. you know what i mean.
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