We've been pretty low key recently, enjoying our new Christmas loot and misty ocean weather. Here are two recent pics I think you'll like.

Daddy and G-Funk at the cliffs near our house enjoying a cool Christmas afternoon.
I won't lie. I was slightly nervous to see G-Funk's legs on the other side of the rail but I know Daddy has lightning fast hands and a keen ability to catch just about anything so I swallowed my completely irrational maternal fear and snapped a photo instead of allowing panic to reign over me.

And watch out world! The Pirate has begun cruising.
He's a speedy crawler and a bit of a daredevil at times but still cautious when it comes to actual walking practice. He loves to stand at our front fence and cruise along though so I bet walking is not too far off. He and I have been spending a lot of early afternoons outside recently so that he can squawk his little head off and not disturb G-Funk's much needed afternoon nap. After a spell outside, he's usually ready to go back in and nap and I am always more than happy to oblige.
That's a mighty short fence....or is the Pirate just that HUGE!!!!
Didn't you hear? I make GIANT babies. :) The Pirate is already 6'4" at 10.5 months and for some reason, (according to Daddy), he inexplicably loves the Cleveland Browns.
Yes, it's a miniature picket fence.
"...for some reason, (according to Daddy), he inexplicably loves the Cleveland Browns."
I wouldn't say that too loudly...abuse like that may be grounds for calling in C.Y.S.
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